Saturday, September 7, 2013

♡ Music Spotlight ♡

I was crying devastatingly over doing some homework, but it got to be too much so I took a break and played some cool tunes. I remembered how I practically abandoned this blog so I was inspired to make a post about my favorite music artists. I was always crippled when asked the questions, "What kind of music are you into? Who's your favorite band?" But I think I've finally got it figured out. I've been a fan since I was in grade seven, so for four to five years now, and I haven't gotten tired of any of their music.

They are a pair of sisters, Bianca and Sierra, who go by the stage name CocoRosie. Sierra and Bianca were born and raised in the US, but CocoRosie was formed in Paris after the sisters were reunited. The genre they are most commonly placed in is Freak Folk. They have raspy, occasionally high pitched, but soothing and harmonious voices, comparable to that of Janis Joplin. They play music using an array of obscure instruments including children's toys, bicycle bells, harps, pianos, synthesizers, etc. Their lyrics are beautifully written and really tragic. Honestly, they really make you think. I want to say their music is sad, but to me it's not sad at all. I'm never upset listening to their music, they actually have quite the opposite effect. It's more nostalgia inducing than anything.

CocoRosie has five studio albums-La Maison de Mon Reve, Noah's Ark, The Adventures of Ghosthorse and Stillborn, Grey Oceans, and Tales of a Grass Widow, their most recent. Along with two EPs--Beautiful Boyz and Coconuts, Plenty of Junk Food. It would be impossible to pick a favorite album because all of my favorite songs are scattered throughout the five. So, I'll list for you my favorite CocoRosie songs as of now, which, is a lot because I don't get tired of old songs, I just add to the list.

Easily their more famous songs are Lemonade and Werewolf. Both of which are very good songs. These are a couple of their more upbeat and poppy songs.
The songs I can't stop playing at the moment are Lyla and Butterscotch. Lyla is a song about a little girl sent into prostitution. I didn't pay much attention at first, I just liked it for the beautiful noises they make, but when I really listened to the lyrics I was hit, and I'm not sure exactly why, I just have a weird connection with the song.
Butterscotch talks about loving things, or people, but not being able to have them. I actually connect to this one a lot being gay and crushing on all the straight boys hahaha. Maybe this is just my analysis of the song, and they're truly singing about butterscotch candy, but it's a really pretty song regardless. 

I don't want to make this post extra long by embedding all my favorite songs, so I'll just list them from here:
Japan is really cute and fun.
Good Friday and Madonna are really melodious and peaceful.
By Your Side is really simple, but the lyrics are really impactful.
Animals has been a favorite for so long, it really shows their lyric and musical abilities. Really dig this one. 

I hope you guys give them a look into, I know they're not everyone's cup of tea but I figured it was worth sharing. Please let me know if you guys like them, they're really special to me. 

Side-note: I think I may be seeing them in October and I might actually be a bit more excited than I was to see Marina!!!!
Have a lovely day u lil lumps of sugar xx

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