Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Losing Weight ♡

Hello guys!
My whole life I remember being super frustrated with my body because I've always been overweight. I got my share of mean words from the school bullies and I even remember one day I locked myself in my bedroom sobbing (started my role as drama queen at an early age) because I didn't want to go to school and hear the whale noises being made at me in class.(nine year olds were ruthless ok) I always tried different diets and workouts but I always got discouraged and quit. A while back one of my best friends introduced me to this iPhone app she had been trying and she really really enjoyed it, and I couldn't stop looking at her in admiration because of the progress she had made. The app is called myfitnesspal and boy i'll tell you what, it's literally saved my life. What the app is, essentially, is a food journal/calorie counter/exercise tracking extraordinaire. You start off by punching in your personal details like: 
current height/weight
goal weight
activity level 
and age
(Unfortunately, the app wants you to be 18+ and I'm only 16 but this is our secret don't let the myfitnesspal business dudes find out) 
After this it will give you your calorie goal for the day and you can start your dieting. 
Once you begin, you punch in everything you eat in the day. From the eggs you have at breakfast to the very last sprinkle on your ice cream at dessert, you want to include it all! What you do is simply go to your diary, click add, and search the foods you eat! Make sure to plug in the accurate portions you ate! The cool thing about this app is that it has a bar code scanner as well, so you can just scan scan scan your day away. (I always get the strangest looks when I scan in public) (it's well worth it though!) 

Here are some tips: 
  • Just because you have a set calorie limit, doesn't mean you can eat a bunch of junkie food and keep it at the goal. (okay you probably can, but you wouldn't want to) If you used all your calories on junk, you will feel tired and groggy and really grumpy!! you will have wished you used those calories on some really nutritious fruits and veggies homeboy. 
  • I personally stopped drinking as much soda/Starbucks/most juices/any sugary drink really. THESE ARE EMPTY CALORIES. Like I said, you're wasting your calories in the day on things that aren't fulfilling. (now, you CAN always work off these calories, but you won't have the energy to do so living off of these junkie liquids) I practically drink nothing but unsweetened tea and water now. Tea has so many benefits for you and your body temple!! I'll make another post on that later <3
  • Contrary to what I just said though, a little bit of these junkie foods are okay. I think it's acceptable to occasionally work a drink or piece of chocolate into your day, little sporadic splurges keep you from losing your sanity!!
  • I personally don't count calories on special occasions, holidays, celebrations, etc. I even kind of let myself slide on some Saturdays.

    Enough ranting, I'll show you some photos from the app:

    myfitnesspal is also a kind of social media for all your healthy living buddies! You can add people and see their progress and leave encouraging comments, it's all very sweet.

    I started my myfitnesspal diet November 1st. Today is April 24th and as of today I've lost 36 lbs!! I was sized Extra Large in tops and had a 38 inch waist, and now I'm a Medium in tops and have a 34 inch waist! I'm so happy to see such progress because I know it would have only gotten worse. Mind you, I lost 36 pounds and I didn't even count calories during my fall or winter breaks, I completely ate like an animal. THERE WAS SO MUCH THANKSGIVING AND CHRISTMAS FOOD IT WAS INSANE. 

    Here's a disclaimer. I've seen a lot of debate on social media about body shaming. There are some fat positive people who are really cute and fun and cool (I'm one of them), but of course, there are others who are fat positive, but then shame the people who are naturally skinny, or are doing something to lose weight. This is not okay. I started this diet because I wanted to for myself, to be healthy and be happy. I am in no way saying I am better than anyone who is fat and happy. (By the way, I'm not using fat in a negative denotation--in no way saying ugly or unsatisfying.) And I am only sharing this so others who want to try it, can, and see how they like it. 
    Please, this is a new world. We must be accepting and loving of others. Strive to be body positive. Strive to be people positive, to be happy with yourself and your fellows.
    Much love and good vibes. 

    p.s. this was all a very vague gathering of thoughts. if you would like, I can make a separate post that focuses more specifically on diet and exercise. xx

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